Linggo, Marso 9, 2014


1.Hypermedia provides autonomous learning. How is this better than the traditional classroom learning,which often fails to consider the case of slow and poor individual learners?
  • Hypermedia get the learner's attention more than the traditional classroom can do.Hypermedia which includes the audio animation, video clip,etc. catches the attention and interest of the learners.It makes the learning of the students more exciting.
2.How can the teacher help slow and poor learners using the traditional teaching method?
  • The teacher should gives more attention in slow and poor learners.The teacher can give remedial class for those students, to improve their learning abilities as a students.
3.Hypermedia provides an atmosphere of search,exploration and discovery. How can the teacher provide such an environment in the traditional classroom? 
  • The teacher can provide atmosphere of search, exploration and discover by teaching the students the lesson where in the students are the one to search,explore and discover their lesson using the internet.In the internet there are a lot of hypermedia material.


1.What can you say to the objection that an SCL environment can be noisy and unwieldy?
  • Although SCL environment is sometimes noisy and unwieldy, the social skills of the learners are develop in this kind of learning environment.And another thing,the learner also learned through experience because the teacher acts as a facilitator only,so the learner learned to be an independent one.
2.How can SCL be fun,memorable and healthy?
  • It is fun because the activities are done with their classmates and friends, and there is an exchange of ideas to have a good output.It is memorable because of the happy memories that they made together. And it is healthy because when there is an activity not only the mind is functioning, because in some cases there is a need physical abilites.
3.Share/discuss experiences on your e-mail activities.
  • I only perform e-mail activities when it is needed in school or as a requirements in my previous job application because i'm not that knowledgeable in that area.
4.Share/discuss experiences on internet surfing.
  • I learn a lot in surfing the internet.It is very useful for me as a student because I get a lot of information from it. It also keeps me in touch with some of my friends abroad.It gives me information on what is happening around the world.

Linggo, Enero 26, 2014


1:Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education namely:

  a.Electronic Commerce, commonly known as E-Commerce is a type of industry where the buying and selling of products and services is conducted over electonic system such as internet and other computer networks.

  b.E-Finance is the use of internet technologies in the provision of financial services.This is synonymous with the online banking,online broking services,elctronic trade commerce,credit management and online payments.

  c.Entertaintment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience,or gives pleasure and delight.

  d.Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products,services or ideas by identified sponsors through various media

  e.Propaganda or Developmental Communication Propaganda is the techniques of spreading information about an individual or group with the intention of doing damage to their reputation.

2.Discuss related issues

  a.Intellectuel Property Rights(piracy) are the right given to person over the creation of their minds.They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a period of time.

  b.Pornography using the Internet is any pornography that is accessible over the internet primarily via websites,peer-to-peer file sharing or use net new group.

  c.Pyramiding scam using the Internet is a scam in which a hierarchy is created by people joining under others who joined previously,where those people who join,make payments to those above them in the hierachy with the expectation of being able to collect payments from those who join below.

  d.Gaming or Lottery is a game of chance,where winners are typically decided by a drawing.The financial lottery is a game where players select a group of numbers and win prizes based on how they match the drawn result or lottery.


Future shock

     Adaptability was the word that Alvin Toffler give emphasison his book, the future shock. Future shock shows the sudden arrival of the future with the technological advancement without the preparedness of the society.One of the topic that Alvin Toffler discuss is the culture shock which is parallel to futre shock. Culture shock is the cultural changes that brought by sudden modernization.But this book only talks on how should adapt technological revolution as a member of this generation.We cannot blame this modernization,its our responsibility on how we will adapt on it.

Linggo, Enero 5, 2014



Privacy is avoidance from seeing or viewing by other people.For example,the text messages in my cellphone I am the only person who have the right to see or read it.

Cyber bullying is intimidating a person's credibility or ability in the internet with the use of social networking sites like facebook and twitter.

Plagiarism is copying the work or ideas of a certain person without his permission and claiming it as yours.

Martes, Nobyembre 19, 2013


                      For me,educational technology is just a continuation of educational technology 1. But educational technology 2, introduce both traditional and innovative technologies. It will likewise focus both on developing teacher support materials and the production of technology-based student outputs. Meanwhile educational technology 1 is the basic of educational technology 2. I expect that i can create a technology-inspired instructional materials at the end of the semester from this subject.